After realising that the Edna Manley College has temporarily removed its online Visual Arts Archive, I've spent the past couple of weeks creating galleries with photographs of Caribbean art works for this site. It seems to me, that there has to be a place where students and others can access accurate information about artists and their work. So far, I am pleased with the outcome, the galleries are attached to artists' biographies in the Caribbean Artists A-Z archive and can be viewed by clicking on the link provided with each full biography. As usual, I have given most attention to historical material and pioneer artists - hopefully I can add more images for contemporary artists as time and permissions allow. These galleries offer optimal viewing and detailed inspection of individual images as well as the possibility of slide shows or carousels formats. Where possible, I have provided full titles, dates and collections but if artists have additional information or amendments please contact me through the site and I will be happy to make the changes. Copyright with images will always be tricky, but in the main, I have used small sizes at a sufficently low resolution while maintaining their quality. We cannot support the downloading of images but it is my hope that others will appreciate them for research/reference purposes and that they will follow fair use guidelines when using them.